ALL ABOARD!! I'm opening Union Station's Centennial Celebration!!
I'm going to be opening the youth performances on the main stage in the Sprint Festival Plaza during Union Station's Centennial...

A song & a bite to eat..
I just got the opportunity to play Old Shawnee Pizza on Thursday, October 16th!! The Olathe Schools are off- so everyone should be able...

Holy Cow! I'm playing another gig!!
Yes, I am excited to announce that I will be playing at The Holy Cow Market and Music- in their Mallroom in Kansas City, MO. on November,...

It's going to be a great day at The Great Day Cafe!!
It's is going to be a great day on October 25th becase that is when I play at The Great Day Cafe!! The Great Day Cafe is located in...

Show added to The Coffeehouse Tour!
We have just be offered a slot to play at Homer's Coffeehouse in downtown Overland Park, KS. We will be playing this Saturday night,...

First Friday!!
I have been offered an opportunity to perform in front of Mildred's Coffee house in Kansas City's Crossroads Arts District for First...

Another Date On The Coffeehouse Tour!
Well it's not really a tour, but it is a gig!! We have just confirmed that I will be performing September 27th, at the Blackdog...